Shareholder Base

Shareholder Base by Nationality

Last Update: 31 December 2023

The percentage of shares held by Qatari shareholders (being shareholders, either citizens or entities incorporated in Qatar) decreased slightly to reach 89.5% of the Company’s share capital (including the 45% equity stake held by Vodafone and Qatar Foundation LLC) down from 91.4% as at 31 December 2022.

Shares owned by shareholders from other Arab nationalities and other nationalities reached respectively 2.5% (up from 2% last year) and 8% (up from 6.6% last year) of the Company’s share capital.

Shareholder Base by Nationality

Shareholder Base by Category

Last Update: 31 December 2023

On the 31st of December 2023, the percentage of the Company’s issued and paid up share capital owned by corporations reached 66.6% (up from 64.8% last year), those owed by the Qatari Government reached 18.6 % (down from 19.5% last year) and those owned by Retail shareholders reached 14.8% (down from 15.7% last year).

Shareholder Base by Category